The Canadian Hearing Institute has a dedicated team who can provide accurate hearing tests for residents of Leamington, Ontario.
We have the skills and equipment to perform a clinical ‘audiometric test’ or hearing test to evaluate a person’s hearing ability. Our objective is to bring back the sounds of everyday life, and enable you to hear clearly. We recognize the importance of providing accurate hearing tests to assess the extent of your hearing loss, and the direct impact the quality of your hearing has on the quality of your life.
Have you noticed a change in what you can hear? Do you often ask others to repeat themselves? Do you find yourself needing to turn up the TV or radio volume?
The loss of hearing is often ignored because it happens so gradually. We have found that many of our Leamington clients were suffering from hearing loss without knowing it. When they stop interacting with family and friends, and withdraw from social situations, they often blame something else. Frequently it’s because they can’t understand what is being said. In order to assess the extent of your hearing capability, we provide complimentary hearing tests to residents of Leamington to determine the extent of hearing loss. When your hearing test has been evaluated, we can create an appropriate treatment plan for your needs, budget and lifestyle.
In a child, hearing loss can have a limiting affect on the ability to develop communication, language, and social skills. Early hearing test evaluation can help children with hearing loss reach their highest potential. As a parent, if you suspect your child may be suffering from hearing loss, we advise you to trust your intuition and as soon as conveniently possible, schedule a hearing test with us.
“Hearing loss affects about 15% of the population,” says Ted Dalios. “It not only affects the person losing their hearing but their friends and family as well. Hearing loss often starts with missing the S, T, or K sounds in speech and it may sound as if others are mumbling. While this may seem like a rather small thing, it raises frustration levels and can have a large impact on overall communication”.
If you are local to Leamington, Ontario, and need a hearing test, please get in touch with our clinic to plan your appointment today.